Wednesday 6 August 2014

Maths night

Maths Competition Night

This is an outline of the competition night we will holding on Tuesday 12th August from 7.00 – 8.00pm. 

Each team will put enter a team of 4 – 3 plus super maths whizz!

Round 1, 2 and 3 each student to answer 2 questions

Round 4, 5 and 6:  Work in groups with paper

Can call on Maths Whizz at any time. 

Round 1
Medium paced addition round where 5 numbers are called out in succession and student to add mentally 8 secs each.  2 questions per student 1 point for correct answer.
Round 2
Sprint paced addition – same as above 5 secs each.  2 questions per student 1 point for correct answer.
Round 3
Medium paced subtraction round where 5 numbers are called out in succession and student to add mentally 8 secs each. 2 questions per student 1 point for correct answer.
Round 4
Strategy Round:  Using paper the groups are given 5 questions (one after the other) and they are to show what strategy they would use to solve the problem.  They get 1 point for each strategy, maximum 3 points.
Round 5
Problem solving round:  Using 5 problem solving questions students to work out on sheets of paper  1 point for correct answer.
Round 6
Spatial Problem Solving using Leggo sets – a shape is made and placed under a container.  Each group to get a leggo set and will build the shape.  They will get 5 ‘looks’ at the shape for 10 seconds each and trying to remember the shape go back to their group and build it.  Total 5 points. 


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